[Oct. 13, 2019] Full Hunter’s (Aries) Moon ((Audio included))

The Full Hunter’s Moon ~ Full Moon in Aries (October 13, 2019; 5:08 pm ET)

Aries Full Moon Oct 13, '19 astro_2gw_full_hunter_s_moon.85645.89727

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  • The Full Moon gets gets a firey Aries makeover, while the Sun in Libra (assisted by Mars) ignites our mind for the new ideas necessary to harmonize the Moon’s Nodes in Capricorn and Cancer. We have both a Fire and Water Grand Trine, and an unbroken octogon chain-link of Sextiles interlocking every earth and water sign together. The potency of our air and fire elements are able to shift even the most massive earth energies, and the water element is equally powerful in helping us achieve that goal. The planetary objects are virtually completely interwoven, and spread across almost every single sign. There’s much to synthesize about this chart, to see how cohesive the Cardinal Grand Cross really is, in the end.
  • We have a Grand Cross (4 successive squares) in cardinal signs; the massive Capricorn and Pluto-driven readjustments to Saturn (one of the most major themes for over the past year) call on all of the elements in their cardinal (initiatory) form to help resolve the massive “jumpy” tensions affecting the cardinal signs:
    • The Moon in Aries conjunct Eris asks us to be as honest as possible while intuiting (Moon) “what would truly feel good (Eris) to our inner badass (Aries)?” in attuning ourselves to the incredible Earth shifts happening now (e.g., Uranus in Taurus as well as the triple Pluto~Saturn~South Node conjunctions)? …And, what would be the most intelligent and responsive way (Libra) to do it? “What role should I create for myself (Aries), and which choice of path (Mars is in Libra) should I choose?” These things are what we should ask ourselves, but within the context of the range of roles the living eartH asks of us now, to reclaim our proper role as stewards of the planet; to maintain (refrain from disrupting, more like it) its equilibrium. As I’ll expound below: sometimes the Martian thing to do is to “quickly” do nothing… to direct, by mental intention (Libra), into feeling the bliss (Moon conj Eris) and power (Mars) of restraint. If we do so, we “actively” sow peace and balance. The hunter’s intuition of this Moon trines Jupiter, which sextiles the Sun, and so the Moon (intuition) and Sun (deep-seated ego) must look to Jupiter (higher awareness) for guidance. Jupiter has just entered the third decan (set of tens of degrees) in its home sign—it is more than capable of giving this guidance, and for these multiple reasons Jupiter should be trusted implicitly. Of further importance is the fact that the Moon is involved in a pretty tight Grand Fire Trine* with wisdom from on high in Sagittarius, and the vital wisdom of asteroid Kaali in Leo (a bold, feral, heart-chakra expansion, with this sign; Kaali in Leo is the flame thrower you get for asking for a light… and will expose just as many shadows as she does light, at the tail end of the Kali Yuga).
    • The Sun in Libra knows that new ideas are needed. The Sun is also right in the middle of the fixed and mutable side of that Fire Trine, being sextile on either side with 1~Ceres conj. Jupiter in Sagittarius, and 2~asteroid Kaali in Leo. What tangibly feels good (Ceres) will expand lockstep with our higher wisdom (Jupiter at home), which will tap us into the bottomless “fire well” of vitality and Natural wisdom of the Kundalini life force that Kaali represents. Talk about fuel (Libra, air) for the fire! It’s a fire which is both fixed (Leo) and adaptable (Sag.), but remember where the Sun is: in the sharpest and most responsive air sign. Those “new ideas” our highly tensioned selves require for survival will strangely come easily (sextile); but only if we choose the selfless and fatherly dominion of Jupiter, which comes with the ancient-primal wisdom of Kaali’s honey-badger-don’t-give-a-shit. The sextile requires choice and directed conscious energy to sustain its benefits, which if one points their mind in the direction of Leo will include righteous (Jupiter at home) ferocity (Leo) with but a thought (Libra).
    • Capricorn, the constant workhorse of the Zodiac, has been uncharacteristically lame for the better part of the last year and a half, but is just now gearing back into working order. Those with high intuition have felt its indefatigueable spirit even while it has been completely wrapped up in its own (long-time coming) shadow work; and those who are more practical can now rest assured that it Capricorn less mired in that shadow work and will start making sense. All of us, though, will have at our disposal a more obvious and fruitful sense of collective Capricorn ass-kicking that will manifest in more, well, physical ways as both Pluto and Saturn have come out of their retrograde pissing contest at more or less the same time. Ultra-competitive Cap can finally do something about the harsh truths that the light of our suppressed past is finally showing us. Case in point: the amount of Graham Hancock-esque research into the suppressed history of highly advanced ancient cultures is reaching critical mass, as is the reality and causes of our millenia-long artificially induced psychopathy (see John Lamb Lash on the history of how we lost our obvious connection to the eartH as a living organism—and the dark history behind it). Some people are still so superficial as to be unaware of those topics—it’s as though the “writing on the wall” is now so large that those spiritually uninitiated can still see only bricks. No matter: times will change, and it’s exactly because of the radical Capricorn soul-searching we’ve all contributed to (cells of the one organism) that it will. Recognition of the reasons for the coming changes are not required to go through them—but that cognition will help keep people from shitting bricks when the changes hit a parabolic rate. The whole of the message I see in Capricorn’s return to nearly constant, high-functioning workhorse power is this: Saturn’s finally getting the reminder it needs that it is to be servant anymore, if it wishes to exist at all… and a happy servant if it wishes to extract any further joy in Capricorn’s labors, which can no longer go on in a vastly unknowing way. Its delusions of grandeur are either over, or about to blow up in its face. Either way, it will mark a massive sigh of relief to those who have refused to bend their work ethic to the lunatic demands of toil.
    • All of this must be summarized in a way that dear sweet Cancer—which has been so sadly railroaded for the entirety of record “his”-story—can understand: in the language of emotions. The Moon and Sun each square the (tougher than we think) North Node in Cancer, as the South Node gives meaning to the Capricorn oppositions facing it. Luckily, we have a Grand Water Trine* also which will summon the entirety of our emotional wisdom to do so. It’s retrograde Neptune’s turn to receive the majority of our introspective bandwidth, which is going to help it decipher the long-ignored cries of Black Moon Lilith (the two of which have been conjunct for a while). This pair trines the North Node in Cancer, which also both trine much of a stellium in Scorpio: Venus, Lilith (asteroid), Mercury, and Pallas, which all form a loose “chain” of conjunctions. More on this below.
      • *One quick note on Grand Trines and minor points: it’s up to you whether or not you wish to include a minor point (like an asteroid, or a mathematical point like Selena, Black Moon Lilith, or the Moon’s Nodes) to assert that a “Grand Trine” has been formed. I see no reason why not, and at the least one should admit that a “quite a bit of a Grand Trine” exists; and at the least, one is left with some arrangement of a “highway of trines” within a certain element. It’s fantastic energy no matter how you frame it! We’ll see at the end of this article how there is even some light sketch of a Grand Earth Trine in this chart!
  • So that covers the bulk of the energies most directly affecting the Moon and Sun. I’ll summarize thus far so that we don’t lose the central message in the exuberance of the details:
    • We have a massive tension going on in a “Grand Cross” between the Moon, Sun, the South and the North Node (in, respectively: Aries, Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer).
    • The Moon is directly involved in a Grand Fire Trine, and indirectly so is the Sun (through its dual fire-sign sextiles); we can rely on this for help in integrating the Grand Cross, which all must be synthesized for the benefit of the North Node (let’s not let this tension be for nothing).
    • To clarify what the North Node requires of this web of aspects, we can look to the Grand Water Trine going on around it (and how it interacts with the tense cardinal Grand Cross energies). We should also treat the energies opposing the North Node like fantastic lessons in what not to do! The shifts our inner goliath has and is going through tell us more abou what to back off of than what to do (lest we let the unsettling lessons Pluto asks of us go unheaded). The North Node, as always, is what we should do; sear this into your short term memory for those times the wildly diffuse—but interweaved—energies of this chart carry out.
    • We can understand the effect of this Grand Cardinal Cross to be like the way knots of muscles form—they are literally (to some large degree) the normalized drone of tension which we “wear”.
      • It is the result of our habitual psycho-physical mindbody state; we become acclimated to it to the point that we simply forget we are holding tension. In its Cardinal form, the tensions stored in our body by a Grand Cross can be even more “tight”.
      • So it’s the temporary excessiveness we can thank for finally cutting through the “drone” of the tension, that brings it to our awareness. We can easily choose to perceive (and thus receive) that any “high stress” of the many squares is in true fact all a very healthy thing. We want tension to be called to our attention (“at-tension”), if we want to maintain the cool breeze of Libra.
  • Now let’s talk about the tapestry that this psycho-physical “knot” (the Grand Cross) finds itself woven into…
    • There are damn near Three Grand Trines in this chart!
      • Note the interplay that the Water and Fire Grand Trines make with the Cardinal Grand Cross: for every cardinal planet/point being squared, there is a mediating, beneficial aspect from those Grand Trines on either side of it! To be specific: the North Node in Cancer is trined on either side by allies in the other two water signs, and the Moon in Aries is similarly trined by orbiting bodies in its kindred fire signs; but the Capricorn and Libra energies are also mediated, instead by sextiles, in the Grand Fire and Water Trines respectively.
      • To figure this out for yourself (and thus see it more clearly), you can do the following: look for the beneficial aspects surrounding each of the squared cardinal planets/points in the Cardinal Grand Cross. You’ll find some point in the Grand Water and Fire Trines that directly support the over-tensioned Grand Cross. To “hear” this visually, consider what the graphical chart would look like if you drew in the “blue” (positive aspect) lines to even all the minor points; the Grand Trines would shine through, and the whole chart would rightly appear much more harmonious. (There is an option for this in many chart generators; but doing it with your mind’s eye is good practice.)
      • The “Earth Trine” energies are explained more towards the end of this article.
      • See the Grand Cross/Grand Trines dynamic from this perspective: the Grand Trines bless the cardinal energies in a way that would not even be possible except for the grand cross. Which would you prefer to say: that the difficulty of the Grand Cross is soothed by the Grand Trines? …or that the fortune of the Grand Trines are being called on to give something back for their energetic blessings? In other words: is the Grand Cross to be considered “less frustrating” because of the Grand Trines? …or are the Grand Trines being kept sharp by being asked to mediate, and wisely integrate, the Grand Cross tensions? The truth is, as in any duality, is the third way which encompasses the two into a better third: the “distress” of the tension (which is the deconstructive response to the stress) cooperates with and calls for the “eustress” (the constructive response) of the trines, in order that the entire circuit achieves homeostasis—a balance of tensions and detensions.
    • EartH is completely opening itself wide to the changes we see fit to make; the changes we see as necessary to make. It can be seen in the following ways:
      • There is a constant and unbroken chain of sextiles between every water and earth element, forming an octagon of powerfully interrelating earth and water elements. See for yourself: start at any point in the second decan on any earth or water sign, and trace how it connects happily to the next water or earth sign over. It only breaks in that the North Node in Cancer does not sextile Uranus in Taurus; however, the reverse does form a sextil, and so if you follow the octagonal chain of sextiles counter-clockwise, it works out. Note that the counter-clockwise direction is the Yin direction! Mama Gaia’s awake.
      • Uranus in Taurus alone speaks to the vibrant potential for change that is now affecting the heaviest element in its heaviest role.
      • The Scorpio stellium also in and of itself speaks to the theme of a shifting eartH. It will assist Uranus in its retrograde period by giving it much to think about as it in opposition to its ruler of Venus. It’s interesting to note that Uranus is quincunx (blind to) its other ruler, Ceres (being like a Venus who has more affinity to the tangible things we love). Planets in retrograde actually achieve better insight when they are at tension—not in harmony—with native points like this. It will be good for Taurus, ultimately, to feel at odds with, or at a loss for, its faithful servants; that’s just all the better for figuring out the radical changes it is firmly involved in.
      • Saturn and Pluto having just come out of a pretty synchronized mutual period of retrograde, which tells me that they have reached a certain level of understanding in their hard knocks South Node school. They are itching for more “normal” kind of disciplined (Saturn) work now, however much the exact nature of that work might need to change now (Pluto).
      • See towards the end on the Earth Trines discussion for some incredible insight into the eartH wisdom Pluto is blessing us with. Our earth element is feeling the phoenix-rebirthing potential more and more obviously now.
    • Mars is in Libra, opposite a retrograde Chiron in Aries and square with Saturn; use this tense position between our proverbial hero (imbalanced and ostensibly far away from home) and villain (which remember is being thoroughly revamped by Pluto) to help our Mars hone its counter-intuitive Libran sense of what fresh and new air element factors we need right now (tactics). Mars is opposite its home, and it can tell that Chiron—having entered Aries recently—is a further disturbance to its sense of self. So be it. Remember that our Mars is what it is because it doesn’t need creature comforts, and it is often tension itself that hones and sharpens an Aries/Martian power.
      • The feeling of being in an “inactive” place while squared and opposed by hostile entities will help us retune our cardinal (highly reactive) energies for the sake of Cancer and Capricorn readjustment. The frustrations that Saturn and Chiron might wreak on our inner warrior—perhaps tempted to “squirm” from the passivity of being in the unchoosing cardinal air sign, while simultaneously tempted to fight—may truly be helping to show Mars what new martial skills it must develop. Our inner Martian drive will watch and learn where to best throw our weight into next—think “general” not “soldier”. Remember Libra relates to issues of justice, the quality of which is achieved because of a cool and unintimidated objectivity.
      • Libra is not easily blitzed into making bad decisions; sometimes in fact it can weather antagonism by refusing to be baited by bullies. The bullies get bored (or feel stupid), finding no “bite” to their bait, and simply walk away. Think less like a grunt, and more like a general: don’t waste resources on each and every threat display, without careful consideration. Can it be handled with no expense of energy? This is much more “boss” than the outright melee scrapping that Mars/Aries is more accustomed to. Think of it this way: it might be the fact that Mars is in the “cool head” sign that helps it to meet these antagonisms without being prone to hothead impusivity! Thankfully, it is out of place, where it can learn the martial value in caution.
      • Practically speaking, whether we experience Libran “false starts” or indecision (go with the latter) as we feel “under the gun” in a place of cardinal thought: we’re going to feel like we have to “waste time” plotting things out. But that same side of us must admit that it actually doesn’t quite know what it’s itching to do. The most zen way to grapple with these counter-intuitive and conflicting issues is to let Mars off the hook of its typical expectations of active “brawn” and “grit” during this Full Moon period. Go with a “less is more” type of power (think also of the radical Taurus” we now learn, aka: slow is the new “fast”)… and consider that our “Aries/Marsduty is to learn a relaxed state of mind when encountering some force. Rather than expecting of ourselves an overtly “hard-bodied” ferocity in response to our issues (let Kaali in Leo handle our vitality needs), we must instead let those explosive energies permeate into our energy bodies and intuitive side—the Moon in Aries, who must learn the full searing hotness of Aries,
      • Since the Moon is holding it down this way in Aries, it will know more and more of the the rejuvenating potential in Aries in proportion to how much of an education Mars receives in restraint smart. The Moon will also find heightened intuition in things that are normally “too hardcore” to stay emotionally engaged in. Look for the House the Moon will occupy, according to where and in what timezone you are in, for insight into where you can expect to experience highly responsive intuition.
      • The Moon is in an explosive sign, while Mars is in a sensual and feminine sign; we are being asked to look at the yin in the yang, and the yang in the yin. How can our receptive and yin side better handle ferocious Aries concepts… and how can our urgent and drastic sides fight better by staying loose? The fact that the Moon conjuncts Eris (retrograde) is further proof that the “Aries” thing to do this time around… is not much beyond feeling (and for more on this, we can look to Scorpio right now). Think of it like a martial arts class which is mostly meditation. Cue your inner Keanu Reeves: “Woah.”
      • As hard as it is for Mars, it is going to be best to let minor indecisions be our decisions, lest some urgent issue truly be at hand (and not just the illusion of one). Isn’t there a power to Libra’s ability (not vice) to refuse to choose; a wisdom in its proclivity to abstain from hasty decisions? Staying mentally cool when under pressure is sometimes the only “warrior” thing to do, when feeling targeted by Saturnian schemes of domination; staying powerfully relaxed just when one’s opponent expects you to squirm can be the ultimate “psych out” that maintains the upper hand. This is the “yin in the yang”. “Choosing not to choose” (when wise) may be the tactical restraint necessary to make sure the tensions from Saturn and Chiron hit nothing but “dead air”. Let the Moon reap the vitality of Aries, this time around. The Moon rules Cancer; and remember what this chart is all about? North Node or bust. Let Aries teach the Moon so the Moon can teach the North Node; and let Mars learn the value in non-interference, in order to let that happen. If Mars had to do anything, I would suggest that it keep Saturn distracted, which would keep the South Node pressures down. That would ensure that the North Node has an easier time.
      • Libra’s keen sense of natural law comes from its ability to refrain from being “blitzed” into making bad choices. Mars could learn much from this alien concept right now. This shouldn’t be too hard (not doing hard things) since the Sun is also here, and look to the sextile Mars makes with Ceres for further confirmation that taking a mini-vacation from compulsively “decisive action” may ironically be the most decisive thing available to Mars. That “decisive action” Mars loves so much can be more like “idiotic impulsivity” if we flinch when blitzed.
    • Let’s shift our perspective to the fixed earth energies that are also a call to this radically “subdued” energy we are ironically expected to learn: Uranus, lately retrograde in Taurus, trines Saturn. Uranus is quincunx (aka inconjunct, and “blind to”) everything we just talked about above regarding Mars. The trine Uranus has been (loosely) maintaining with Saturn is what creates the quincunx with Mars now; try to remember this fact so that the Mars/Saturn square can be more stoically accepted by our inner impulsive side. Can we “impulsively” (Uranus) loosen (Tarus) our trigger finger (Mars)? The point I’m making here, is that it’s definitely good that these two explosive signs are not interacting. Taurus all the more will instill this “unflappability” that we are asked to zero in on.
      • Uranus’s ongoing retrograde might strangely be what makes it easier to heed the new ways that Taurus demands of us. Instead of seeing it as a contradiction that a wild and impulsive energy (Uranus) is being treated to Taurus’s cow-like serenity… we can put the “radical” energy towards a radical acceptance, and respect for, the eartH as it is—and for the speed of nature in its already-divine wisdom—which alone can actually “revolutionize” that which Uranus seeks to affect now (harmonizing Saturn). To achieve the innovations it so potently wants, can Uranus let its explosive potential go completely internal?
      • i.e., what will best achieve the revolutionary aims of Uranus: to overcome Taurus’s slow speed… or to let Taurus overcome its need for speed?
      • This is all very counter to the opposition going on with the Scorpio stellium (specifically, that Uranus opposes Venus, Lilith (asteroid), and Mercury), which is infatuated with trying to make some form of interest-sustaining pleasure out of the dark depths that we find in Lilith. I mention this now, because it may be exactly because of the opposition with a retrograde Uranus that we can find a more eartH-speed. Expect our primal unmet needs for emotional depth to make a grand stand, sensing that another side of us more radically wants to “settle down”. Consider the side of us which cries out for more vice just when we try to reorient ourselves to things which we tell ourselves are more wholesome; the energies in Scorpio will swoop in at once to take advantage of any and all half-baked attempts at sudden attempts to re-establishing a sense of “wholesomeness” that we consider missing from our lives. This impulsive Taurus energy—still hardly even halfway through the first decan, and retrograde at that—can lend us to only superficial images of the “home-life we’ve never had” (born uprooted). But, this is why it’s trine to Saturn in Capricorn, which will hopefully help us re-establish that true sense of home we all feel is lacking, and which is predisposing us to the polarized Scorpio energies now. Scorpio sextiles Capricorn, after all.
      • It’s Taurus’s opposing sign of Scorpio that allows Taurus to affirm its appearance as the “blissfully unaware sign” (an unwavering ease of habit that is one source of its strength); just as it is the permanent faith in goodness of Taurus which allows Scorpio to so vastly explore that which is under the serene surface of things. And so here, we have Uranus reigniting that “lighthouse of goodness” which keeps Taurus such an anchor for a Scorpio willing to pursue the farthest reaches from the shore. But now, what will happen is that Taurus will ultimately say “no” to the challenges to its immovable ways. What will happen instead of Taurus or Scorpio “winning” their tug of war, is that Saturn will more summarily mediate them. Can we trust it to have learned what it needs to during its time in retrograde with Pluto and the South Node? Not completely. But it is showing signs of reorienting to a respect for natural heirarchies it tried for so long to invert.
      • I feel like because we have so much Libra and Saturn energy going on, there is a lot to do with law going on right now… and with the Taurus Uranus trine with Capricorn Saturn, it seems like there are some shifts being made in people’s minds back to Natural Law, as well as Natural wisdom and Natural heirarchies. Consider the amount of natural healing wisdom people are teaching each other for another matter (like Ayurveda and the like). We should use this time to more safely (Taurus) withdraw from a “society of men” (Saturn conj. S. Node) in favor of a “society of law”. It might be that what we’ve come to know as a “normal” way of life today is actually what we should call lawlessness; that ironically, an extreme amount of “regulations” and “codes” are what we most accurately describe as anarchy. The “laws” of our civillizations today are appearing to people more and more like the total absence of “law and order”; that when the wrong things are done by (color of) “authority”, we should call those the lawless times, lest the very word (“law”) become a curse word. What instead would a global civilization look like if it were free to heed the Law of Nature without interference? Whether it’s by some off-world religion, or infatuation with our gangrenous and life-threatening private-corporate government theatres, such a way of being is both completely threatened, and on the brink of tangibly happening, if the first world people can get their shit together, and make it happen. We’ll have to let that slow-motion coin toss land to say for sure how these issues will settle. But as far as things appear to me today, we have forgotten the only real ‘God’ we’ve ever needed, and that’s the one right below our feet. If Uranus finds a way to do something truly radical in Taurus after all (perhaps when it reaches its third decan), it will probably be that it reveals to the masses once and for all that our planet is sentient, and can manage perfectly well her own life forms (including us), without the interference of demagogues who wouldn’t humble themselves if it killed them. Who else’s law do we need but the one we have to thank for our very lives?
    • We’ll let eartH handle her own issues, for now, and divert our attention now to the Scorpio stellium. This is our main point of emotional action in the chart, because while Cancer does its best to receive a steady funneling of all the wild energies of the Full Moon (and alone, at that)—and Pisces still seems wholly dedicated to a labored process sorting out the dreams and illusions of Neptune—Scorpio finds itself free to experiment with the water element, with quick moving and forward-consciousness driven planets Mercury and Venus.
      • Expect Scorpio to tell us more about our deepest motivations than it has in a long time. In the name of deeper self-awareness, we should watch its well-balanced tug-of-war with (not against) Uranus in Taurus with non-judgmental curiosity. This opposition will do a lot to inform Uranus’s retrograde, because it’s the pent-up and unmet needs of our emotional undercurrents which will inform our collective Taurus need to know what adjustments are needed to more consistently (or for some of us, finally) feel at home.
      • What’s here now that compels Scorpio to test the limits of the shores of its home in Taurus? Mercury and Venus, keenly interested in the physical state of Lilith (the asteroid: the dejected feminine in its physical form), are finding an endless amount of suppressed, wild, emotional energy to transmute. The sheer pleasure of alchemy is enough to satisfy the most hedonistic pleasures Venus might find here, and the genius of Mercury will learn much of the psyche. Add to this the fact Mercury conjuncts Pallas (strategy, pattern recognition), and it seems that the Scorpio energies are actually on something of a mission. It’s not a mere indulgent game that Scorpio is playing, for the trines being made with the North Node in Cancer is all the license it needs to dive deep into these issues without even hesitating lest it be lambasted as “indulgent”; it’s the lack of so-called “indulgence” (more truly: the bravery of depth work) that has caused us to need such a radical reworking of our Taurus anchor, and the opposition between Scorpio and Taurus will be the natural safety mechanism keeping Scorpio from willfully getting lost at sea. Note too, that this Scorpio cast is sextile with Saturn (and partly with Pluto); this is even further evidence that what Scorpio dives deep into will be for productive (Capricorn) purposes, and that it is in opposition with Taurus, not against (since, as already mentioned, Taurus trines Saturn). Like mentioned above, Saturn will mediate the Taurus~Scorpio oppositions (just as Jupiter will mediate the Moon~Sun opposition). Let’s see how in service to a comfortable home (Uranus in Taurus sextile North Node in Cancer) our new version of Saturn will be, as we entrust it with this power to shape the fixed earth and water signs.
      • Since Venus co-rules both Taurus and Libra, we can synthesize these two hyper-active signs by focusing on her… who is she, right now? She’s hanging out “across the tracks” with that most divine of Suicide Girls: Lilith, who as an asteroid conjuncts Venus, then as the Moon’s shadow (“Black Moon Lilith”; in Pisces, conj. Retrograde Neptune) trines Venus. We can equate these two different forms of Lilith as both the “seen” and “unseen” sides to the dejected feminine; the “yang” within the “yin” that we’ve been ostracizing from ourselves for so long, we either forgot and numbed out to the drone of her pain… or continually pretend not to remember, for the shame of the matter. In addition, Waldemath’s Moon—another piece in the Lilith puzzle, according to some astrologers—is in the latest degrees of Scorpio. For all these reasons, Lilith is completely involved right now with exploring the depths and dreams of our emotional side.
      • See too how Venus—co-ruler of Taurus—is the earliest in the fixed-water stellium, making her something of the “basis” from which all the other planets, asteroids, and points of that stellium will function. To best picture how this wildly deep water element might look, what with the spotlight on Venus and considering: she conjuncts with Lilith; she unifies the hyper-activity of Taurus and Libra; opposes her most homey of home signs; trines with Neptune and Black Lilith in Pisces; and to boot, her boyfriend Mars is in the other Venusian sign of Libra… I think it’s obvious that we should pretty much just try to imagine the sexy haunted house themed water-slide park of our dreams. I know, that might not be what you were expecting to hear, and it was weirdly specific; but it really does cover all bases… and since much of this energy will trine the North Node (and Neptune conj. Lilith), I think we should just go with it.
      • Note Uranus also serves to sextile the North Node; we would do well to realize that the North Node—destiny in all its glory—will mediate the Taurus~Scorpio energies along with Capricorn. “Amor Fati” (love of fate) will give us the best of the opposition.
    • On the earth energies more generally, it is interesting to note that another grand trine was almost formed in the later degrees of the earth signs (but didn’t quite make it, due to a couple of the trines being only “one way” aspects and not mutual). It is still worth nothing, however, that quite a few trine aspects are to be found in the third decan of all three earth signs.
      • Pluto in Capricorn is trine pretty tightly with Juno (the “marriage partner” and firm dedication) in Virgo; Pluto also trines Vesta (the feminine wisdom-gaurdian, aka “keeper of the light”) in the late degrees of Taurus—though Vesta is not trining Pluto (part of the reason we cannot call this a bona fide “Grand Earth Trine”).
      • Also being trined by (however not reciprocally trining) Pluto is “White Moon Selena” at the super-potent 29th degree of Virgo. Selena is where one can find an easy (perhaps in fact, the essential) connection point to the higher realms; where one’s crown chakra most easily taps into higher/deeper dimensions. One would do well (this goes most generally, but especially in this placement) to hone their connection to “White Moon Selena” by making a habit of “pretending” at any given time and place that one’s immediate surroundings are “virginal” and pristine; that there is not any moment in our lives on our perfect living eartH that doesn’t contain the potential to “wake one up” to the reality that heaven is right here and now. In practical terms, that looks like: meditating on Virgo’s highest teaching “everything is heavenly perfect as is,” which can tap one into ecstatic states of loving bliss no matter what one finds themselves ostensibly experiencing. Add to this concept the facts that A: Pluto is trining this point, offering phoenix-levels of rebirth, B: Pluto is also trine to Juno, making dedication to this practice even easier, and C: Pluto is also trine to Vesta, holder of divine feminine wisdom (Vesta teaches that we can commune with our living eartH through reverential eartH-loving practices). You can see why we might do well to consider this a “near”-Grand Earth Trine (not that the name is important). One could make something of a “Grand Earth Trine” out of Orcus (now 11 degrees in Virgo) trine Saturn trine Uranus; but I could not tell you what it means and simply mention it for the benefit of more Orcus-savvy astrologers. Note that these three points are all slow moving, which means that this trine must have been here for a fair while, and will continue to a while more. Since Orcus is a fairly new discovery, this may be a great chance for astrologers to learn more about what its energies represent for us, since it is so intimately involved in the earth element shifts.
  • Generally speaking, this chart has a very capable and broad-reaching terrain. Just physically speaking, one can see the sheer spread of interwoven power and energy which leaves almost no sign untouched, nor any isolated points. Much of this chart—and especially the Full Moon—“chain reacts” or “domino effects” into other related parts of the chart like a pinball machine lighting up the stars. For example: Moon in Aries sub-activates Mars, since Mars can sense the fluxuation in its home sign; Libra Sun sub-activates Venus; Venus is in Scorpio, which is co-ruled by Mars, linking into Mars again; and of course, Mars is in the home sign of Venus! It’s like our inner yin went looking for its yang, just when the yang also went looking for its yin… and instead of meeting, they crossed paths! I see in this a veritable story, whose theme goes like this: Mars and Venus should try hard to see things from each other’s shoes… and ultimately cooperate to settle the heavy shifts being done in the heavy, change-hungry earth and water Nodes of the Moon. There’s a lot of extremely potent energy in air signs, and the fire signs are highly organized; this is the power we need to start throwing some weight into the changes we wish to see. These are changes that Libra will help us to better identify. Let’s find ways to stay playfully in motion, with the speed of the cardinal tensions, as we engage in that pinball machine-like smattering, ricocheting the chart’s energies across almost the entire cellestial sphere for the next two weeks. Perhaps this exuberant and deeply feeling dance of trines across the sky is something like the trail left by the hyper-powered kundalini energy of Kaali in Leo trine the Moon? Again, remember to expect lots of heart-expansions; and recouperate at least a little bit no matter how much undying Leo fire we might feel at our disposal. If we wield these energies with a good Libran focus, there will be more than enough handleable, excitable energy for us now to harmonize the tensions caused by the cardinal energy, and also we have now the alchemical potential necessary to make radical, Taurus-sized shifts in the way we relate to all things earthly; all the while remembering that the point of it all (North Node) is for the benefit of our emotionally feeling side (Cancer). We must ultimately make this Sagittarius-guided adventure about finding the best way to A: use the ultra-harmonious fire and air elements to more effectively B: use the earth elements to C: protect our vulnerable (Cancer) side more effectively and establish more a more lasting Taurus homelife. We must shift our deepest reservoirs so that we water our root with Saturn consistency. Whoever/what part of the world has the North Node conjunct the Immum Coeli, will hold this frequency down for the rest of us most presciently. We cannot expect to remain in these hyper potent energies available to us now, more indefinitely, unless we heed the harsh cardinal lessons to wisely apply our super smart air and fire to wisely handle the earth element changes being called for.
  • Capricorn wants to be busy right now, and much will fall into place if we take some kind of intuitive (Moon) action (Aries) in a productive (Capricorn) capacity. The particular Rising Sign—also inherently about doing—that your area will have will tell you more about what kind of tangible and practical efforts would be best undertaken. The time given for this Full Moon on October 13, 2019, is at “5:08 pm EST.” Simply look this time up, shifted for your location’s time zone, as though it were a birth chart (for ex. on Astro.com).
    • Check your own location, time zone adjusted from “Eastern Time 5:08 PM” and see for yourself exactly what degree of what sign will be the Ascendant for where you are. Consider that region you fall under as your Rising Sign “team”, that is: your region, and its particular Rising Sign, will have the easiest time acting on the Rising Sign energies; and this will speak to what kind of endeavor one should put their Capricorn energies into.
    • This will also tell you what House the particular signs and planets will be in, which will allow you to know in what area of life each particular theme discussed above will show up.

May the ‘Tao’ be with you, and thanks for reading! ! !

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